英语周报 2018-2022 高考 高考 27答案




B【语篇导读】本文是记叙文,讲述了作者想要父亲让自己去读书的一次交谈24.B【解析】推理判断題。根据文章第一段 I said,Papi, let me finish school. None of his other daughters completed more than three grades."I still can domy chores, I told him. "Pay for me to finish school可知,我说,“爸爸,让我读完学校。”他的其他女儿都不超过三个年级。“我仍然可以做家务,”我告诉他,“付钱让我读完学校。”由此可见,作者和她父亲谈话,要求他支付学费。故选B25.D【解析】推理判断題。根据文章第六段Heturned. making his way to the fisherman. I followedbehind him in my open-toed shoes, carefully pickingmy steps. I knew I had lost his attention and I searchedaround me for something to fill the time I would spendwaiting. But there was nothing and nobody.可知他转过身来,向渔夫走去。我穿着露趾鞋跟在他后面,小心翼翼地走着。我知道我已经失去了他的注意力,我在周围寻找一些东西来填补我等待的时间。但是什么也没有,也没有人。由此可见,当她父亲去见渔夫时,作者感到很无助。故选D26.C【解析】细节理解題。根据文章第五段 In theountry, my father would stop and talk with any stran-ger, no matter what he was doing. He would talk aboutthe harvest, the weather, the family, but mostly, hewould listen.可知在乡下,我父亲会停下来和任何陌生人交谈,不管他在做什么。他会谈论收获、天气、家庭,但大多数情况下,他会倾听。由此可见,征求意见。故选C。27.A【解析】推理判断题。根据文章最后一段 Later,I became Fathers only daughter to complete highschool education. and the only one to leave his houseunmarried.可知后来,我成了父亲唯一一个完成高中教育的女儿,而且也是唯一一个离家出走的未婚女子。由此可见,最后一段建议作者言行一致。故选A。

英语周报 2018-2022 高考 高考 27答案

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