

9.B【解析】由题意可知,选用快羽公鸡和慢羽母鸡杂交,或选用非芦花公鸡和芦花母鸡杂交均可在子一代依据羽毛生长的快慢和羽毛上是否出现黑白相间的横斑条纹来判断雏鸡的性别,据此判断快羽基因为隐性,芦花基因为显性,假设慢羽基因和快羽基因用A、a表示,芦花基因和非芦花基因用B、b表示,题干中两个杂交组合可以写为:Z“Z×Z^W, ZZ XZ W,A正确;一只慢羽芦花公鸡与快羽非芦花母鸡杂交,如乙z"xzW,子代公鸡为慢羽芦花和快羽非芦花两种表型,B错误;若一对鸡杂交子代中母鸡有四种表型,则亲代公鸡可能减数分裂发生过等位基因的互换,例如ZA乙xzW,其中公鸡减数分裂过程中发生等位基因互换后,可能产生四种配子,从而使子代母鸡出现四种表型,C正确;这两对基因位于一对染色体上,不遵循基因的自由组合定律,因此,若验证自由组合定律,不可选用这两对基因均杂合的公鸡进行杂交,D正确。


Paragraph 1A seat beside her was empty, and Dannis occupiedHe ielt a wave of anger swept over him. "Where is mywallet?"he yelled. The black-haired girl glanced up fromher reading, with a confused look on her face. Dannis stoodup, glared at her and shouted, "You stole my wallet! "Thecrowds began to gossip. The girl turned deadly palelooking so restless that words failed her. A strange silencehung in the air. Abruptly, she leaped from the seat.Paragraph 2:The girl ran and Dannis ran after her. After awhile, Dannis finally grabbed her by the arm. At exactlyhat moment, a policeman approached them and askedbout what happened. Dannis hastened to explain it whilethe girl frowned with a shake of her head. After furtherenquiries, the policeman took out a wallet and banded it toDannis,adding that someone had found it in the toiletWhat a mistake he had made! Overwhelmed byyDannis made an apology to thegirl.

