

22.【解析】(1)p(6-)=,化简得pcsf+ pine=1,2分代入可得C1的直角坐标方程为x+By-1=0C2的直角坐标方程为x2+y2=45分分cost(2)曲线C的参数方程可设为(a为参数)B设点P(2coa,sina),6分则点P到直线AB的距离d12cos0 +3sina-l1=2+)1,其m-号8分所以,当sin(a+φ)=—时,d=0分


书面表达One possible versionI求Dear PeterI heve good news for you Our school Food Club will hold a dumpling- making activity. As you're interestedin Chinese food, I'm writing to invite you to join in the activity with me.As a kind of traditional Chinese food, dumplings are very popular during festivals, especially in the SpringFestival, when people will get together to make dumplings. The activity will begin at g am next Saturday in theschool canteen. First, (chefs) will teach us how to make dumplings step by step. Then, there will be a dumplingmaking competition in groups. Finally comes the most exciting part--enyoying our dumplings.Looking forward to your coming.Your

