

One possible versionDear peterKnowing that you have a great interest in traditional Chinese culture, I'm writing to inviteyou to the Beijing Opera Facial Makeup Show to be held in our schoolWith the aim of promoting traditional Chinese opera culture. the show will be held in thelecture hall at 4 p. m. on May 25th. There will be a wide range of facial makeups on show and youcan learn some basic knowledge about it. In addition, you are allowed to paint a facial makeup byyourself under professional guidance. After the show, a delicate facial makeup will be given toyou as a souvenir. You are sure to have a great experience hereI'm looking forward to your comingYoursLi Hua



12.BC如图,取BC的中点E,延长DE,D1N,并交于点F,连接FM并延长,设FM∩BC=P,FM∩AD=Q,连接PN并延长交B1C于点H.连接DQ,D1H,则平面四边形DHPQ就是平面DMN与正方体的截面,如图所示【高三新高考12月质量检测巩固卷·数学鲁考答客第1mCA经过作图过程中的数据计算,点P是线段BC靠近点B的三等分点,点Q是线段AD靠近点D的三等分点,点H是线c段B1C1靠近点C1的三等分点用A该平,联()作出线段BC的另一个三等分点P,作出线段A1D靠近D1的三等分点G连接QP,HP,QG,GH易知,V=量qP=V三 RQGHD1,所以V0=V121”3、其3W可面DMN将正方体分成两部分体积比为2:1.故选BC1D

