英语周报 2018-2022 高二 课标 40答案


【语篇导读】本文是一篇议论文。很多人认为我们背负的责任和义务是一种负担,它们阻碍了我们的前进。然而事实上,我们真正的负担是我们自己。只有坚持不懈,热爱自己的事业,我们才能真正得到发展41,A【解析】联系空后的“ our limit of knowledge anddream of a better life"可知,我们可以拓展( expand)自己有限的知识,梦想更好的生活42C【解析】结合后文可知,要想过上更美好的生活,实现改进( Improvement)并非易事。43B【解析】根据下文“ the real barriers to our growthunnecessary dependence可知,从一出生我们的身体和精神状态就是我们的第一障碍( barriers)14.A【解析】联系空前的“ We are half done, but we canslowly manage”可知,我们可以慢慢去适应( adapt)这个环境。45D【解析】联系前文“ but we can slowly manage to.可知,我们在帮助下,逐渐( gradually)独立46.B【解析】根据空后的“ the real barriers to our growthare unnecessary dependencies”"可知,与前文形成转折关系,因此用 However47C【解析】联系空后的“ lack of ambition”可知,前面讲述的这些事情可以导致( result in)雄心的缺失。47C【解析】联系空后的“ lack of ambition”可知,前面讲述的这些事情可以导致( result in)雄心的缺失。48.A【解析】结合下文“ But we live_49 in theseresponsibilities and duties"可知,此处表达是这些责任成了我们的障碍。49D【解析】根据空后的“ responsibilities"可知,我们的生会持续不断地( continuously)生活在责任之中。50.【解析】联系前文“the48 on us overe yearsare a great barrier to progress at the time"可知,我们把责任和义务看作生活的负担( burdens)。51.A【解析】结合下文的“ The truth is tha.”可知,这只是别人告诉我们的谎言(lie)52D【解析】根据空后的“ and harmed by ourselves"可知,我们很容易被自己欺骗( cheated)和伤害。53C【解析】本空与前后的“ Our fear of failure”和“ourdistrust”为并列关系。我们对于失败的恐惧、我们的偏见( prejudices)以及对自己的不信任成了负担中的一部分。54.A【解析】联系空前的“ this great burden”可知,这是个沉重的负担(load)。55B【解析】结合语境可知,空前后为转折关系。稳固是被渴望,但是(but)由未知的恐惧所引起。56.D【解析】结合空前内容可知,这阻止了我们搞清楚( finding out)我们的构成。57.C【解析】根据后文的“ towards a better life, grow anddevelop, you have to remember that these burdens willnot.”可知,如果你想朝着更好的生活进步( progress)、成长和发展。58A【解析】结合全文可知,这些障碍是不会不出现在我们人生道路上的59.B【解析】联系前文的“57 towards a better life可知,这些障碍会阻止你的脚步(pace)60D【解析】联系空后的“ to defend yourself”可知,决心和激情是最好的利剑( sword)。


第二节书面表达One possible versionDear peterI know you are interested in ancient Chinese cultureThere is a good news that an exhibition of ancient Chineseinventions will be held in our school next Monday. It willlast for five days. We can visit it at any time duringthe exhibitionThe show will display some great inventions in ancientChina. including the world-famous Four Great Inventionsthe compass, papermaking, gunpowder and printing. Theyhad significant effects on the development of society. Forexample, thanks to papermaking and printing, a great dealof ancient information has been kept in books. These greatancient inventions made tremendous contributions to theworld civilizationooking forward to your replyLi hu

英语周报 2018-2022 高二 课标 40答案

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