2022 英语周报 七年级 新目标 4答案


第二节(满分25分)One possible versionSuddenly I missed a step and fell into the pool. I was extremely scared, struggling in thewater.Seeing what had happened, Jack swiftly reached out his right hand, but unfortunatelybeyond my reach. Then he immediately picked up a stick from behind and gave the other end tome. However, the bank of the pool was too slippery and I was too scared to move. Calm downGrab at it firmly! "Jack encouraged in a loud voice. With his help and all my strength, Isuccessfully got outThere was not much time left for the return trip. Afraid of missing the boat back, Jackdragged me to the pier in a hurry. Meanwhile, I was looking back once in a while for fear that abeast might catch us up. We managed to catch the return boat finally but I had not yet gol overthe scare. Frightened and tired as I was, I congratulated myself on returning safe and sound. Mbrother and I harvested a meaningful exploration and really spent a brand new weekend.



19.解:(1由正弦定理可得sin b sin d cosc+ sinc sin d cos B因sinA≠0所以 sin B cos c+ sin c cos B2sin(b +c)2因A十B+C=x,sinA=sin(B+C)22或6分(2)∵b>a2A3又因b+c=3,a=√3则b2+2bc+c2=9,a2=3所以b2+c2-a2=6+2bc,由余弦定理可得:6+c226c cosd= bcbc=2MBCbc sin d12分2

2022 英语周报 七年级 新目标 4答案

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