

35.【答案】(1)NO(1分)(2)HF(1分)(3)abd(2分)(4)He(1分)xe(1分)(5)①空轨道(2分)②四边形(2分于须分)顺铂是极性分子反铂是非极性子水是极溶剂(2分)(6)x(2分)【解析】(1)Ot有15个电3O分子有15个电子。(2)原子半径:r(F) E(H-Br)>E(H-D(3)O2 P1F6 AxePt都存在离子键极性键、极性键又是o键,前者存在非极性键,后者不存在非极性键。(4)同族从上至下,元素第一电离能逐渐减小,氮的第一电离能最大;稀有气体形成的晶体都是分子晶体,从上至下,相对分子质量增大分子间范德华力增大,沸点升高。(5)①P(NH)2Cl2中Pt采用dsp杂化,6p有1个空轨道与DNA的碱基对形成配位键;②若Pt(NH3)2Ch2呈四面体结构,则它的空间构型只有1种,反之证明它是四边形结构;③顺铂是极性分子,反铂是非极性分子,根据相似相溶,顺铂在水中溶解度大于反铂。(6)1个品胞含4个铂原子,设铂原子半径为r,晶胞参数为a。面心立方晶胞中面对角线上三个原子相切,有:4r=2a,a=2,。。方”×43(2√2r)


第二节One possible wersionQuich, dets get some wet pawer toneis, " seid JudyEveryone sprang into action. Afler rubbing haid, ty namestill remained. I think I slw H can of cleaner by the sinkin thc coat room." I said as i raced to find it. We rubbedwith the cleaner and my name came off, but in the processof removing it. wc: left a friction Imark on the chulkbuurdHearing footsteps coning, we dried the wul urea as much aswe could with more paper towels.We were just slipping into our desks when the bell rengThe other students bewan entering the classroom. Theteacher walked in soon afterwards. Mrs. Eimer never askelabout the friction mark. Muybe she never nol iced il, lul Tdid. Every time I walked past the chalkboard, I remem-bered it. The lesson I leaned thot day is that"No one willever krow is never True, Even if no one else found out. Imyself knew. Sometimes living with, a guilty consciene ia

