

17.(1)证明:因为sinC=2 sin bcos(B+C),所以c=-21osA,2分所以c=2b×2=34分即c=3b26分(2)解:因为 bcsin A=,即1=所以bc=√38分又由(1)知c=√3b,所以2=3,解得b=19分所以c=3,10分由余弦定理知=b+2-2004=1+3-2×3X(-)=7所以a=712分评分细则:(1)第一问能用正弦定理写出关系式给2分,求出c=√3b累计得4分,第一问全部正确解出,累计得6分(2)第二问能用三角形面积公式写出bc=√3给2分,能分别求出b,c的值,本步骤得2分,最后用余弦定理求出a=√7再得2分(3)其他情况根据评分标准按步骤给分


第三节One possaParagraph 1After Jach had been gone from the bank for a while, thearms began to ring. The police arrived at the bank vcrquickly, only to find no one there. The next day was areally special day for the town, which was filled with newspaper and TV reporters covering the strange theft. Theclerks at the bank were busy discussing the case, ofcourse, including Jack. The police could only promise tocatch the thieves as soon as possible, even though no clueshad been found vetParagraph 2But the most unlucky man was the manager of thebank. an old man. heblame and was removed from his position. At last, withJack’ s wife was savedack felt guilty about theHe could not forget what he had done to the old man. Hisguilt deepened as time went by. Finally, he turned himselfin to the police and accepted his punishment

