

mask my weariness, and requested him the same thinUnexpectedly, he took out his mobile phone for me withouthesitation or any probing questions. Dancing in his eyeswas the real kindness that I had been struggling to seek forso long. From that day on, I began helping other strangersin distress, just like the poor-looking but kind man, withthe aim of passing kindness and melting the ice in manypeople’ s hearts第三节One possible versionParagraph 1At that point I saw a young mother with her ttto kids. Ithought that a beautiful woman with charming blue eyesmust be willing to help me. So, with great expectation, Itrotted briskly towards her with an appropriate smile on myface,and requested courteously if she could be kind enoughto make a phone call for me. However, what I saw was awoman's face disfigured by frowns and what I heard was a.sound of dismay and suspicion under her breath. Without aword, she pulled her kids to escape from me, as if scareda murderer. I stood there, motionless, with a blank faceand a sinnking heartParagraph 2Finally a man tearing a cheap T-shirt and dirty jeaneseemed to notice me. I squeezed a smile though it failed to


16.【解析】(1)以向右为正方向在0~3s内,对物块P由动量定理有Fit+F2t2-umg (t1 +t2)=mv-o(1分)其F1=2N,F2=3N,=2s=1,解得v=(2分)设物块P在B、C两点间滑行的加速度大小为a,由牛顿第二定律有pmg=ma分)物块P在B、C两点间做匀减速直线运动,有v2-n(1分)解得v=7m/s(2分)2)设物块P与物块Q发生弹性碰撞后瞬间物块P、Q的速度大小分别为v1、v,有mv, =mv'+mv2分)2m=2mn"+2m分碰撞后物块Q做匀减速直线运动物块Q运动的加速度大小为(1分)物块Q运动的时间为t=当(1分)解得t=3.5s(2分)

