

读后续写Possible version lI stared at the paper and then looked around. I was cold. Although I could not see my sistersnor the new house, which was hidden from my sight by a grey wall, I got the feeling that I was notalone. Walking along the shore was a tall familiar figure who looked lost in his thoughts. I lookedgain at the paper in my hand, closed my eyes and wishedAs /opened my eyes, I found my father was standing right beside me. Happy birthday, sonhe said, patting my shoulder gently. I smiled up at him and took his hand. Looking back, life fromthat day on marked the start of a close bond and a strong friendship with my father. What was mybirthday surprise? Wishes do come truePossible version 2I stared at the paper and then looked around. On the backside, there was a map. I noticed thatit was clearly leading me in a direction, but who could have sent this? I stood there in silence andstudied it. I decided to follow the map and it led me down the beach until I reached a staircase. Iooked back and could no longer see my siblings. I continued to follow the point on the map, untilI unexpectedly lost my footing and fell zksq down the stepsAs I opened my eyes, I found my father was standing right beside me. Happy birthday, sonhe said, patting my shoulder gently. Then he asked how I had come upon this place? I explained tohim that I had found the bottle in the ocean and when I opened it had the words on it. Shocked bythe message, my father realized what I had found I threw this bottle into the ocean many years agowhen I was alone. he said. I used to come to this exact place to get away from everyone else. NowI get to share this experience with you. What a birthday surprise


11.BC【解析】小球从A点运动到B点的过程中,动能不变,根据能量守恒定律可得小球的重力势能增加,则电势能减少,则小球在B点的电势能一定小于小球在A点的电势能,B点的电势小于A点的电势,故A项错误;根据动能定理得- mg lsin0N=0,可得Un= mglsin=mg2,故B项正确;若电场是匀强电场,电场力恒定,到达B点时小球速度仍为v,故小球做匀速直线运动,电场力与重力、支持力的合力为零,则当电场力沿斜面向上时,电场力最小,场强最小,如图所示:mg由平衡条件可得qEm= mosin6=2mg,解得Eamnmg,故C项正确;若该电场是AC边中点处的点电荷Q产生的,点电荷Q到A点的距离小于到B点的距离,由于B点的电势小于A点的电势,则Q一定是正电荷,故D项错误。

