英语周报 2022- 高二 课标 7答案




第三节madde it eventuallyOne possible versioni Paragraph 2Paragraph 1Finally, the time came! He took out the soda tinEvery day after school, Reuben started his plan. Cold poured the coins out and began to count. Five dollars! Hisand hungry Reuben wandered the streets, searching for hard work paid off! Holding the soda tin firmly, Reubenthe nail bags carefully. To save more money, he even rushed for the shop to buy the brooch. The moment he gotdecided to deleliver papers in the early morning. Exhausted the beautiful brooch, he burst through the front door andand tired as he felt, he still stuck to the plan. It was the placed it in Doras hand. Never had Dora received such abrooch in the shop window that reminded him that what he gift. Speechless and happy, she held her son tightly intodid was worthwhile. After a long time of hard work, he her arms, with tears welling up in her eye

英语周报 2022- 高二 课标 7答案

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