

读后续写Possible version lI stared at the paper and then looked around. I was cold. Although I could not see my sistersnor the new house, which was hidden from my sight by a grey wall, I got the feeling that I was notalone. Walking along the shore was a tall familiar figure who looked lost in his thoughts. I lookedgain at the paper in my hand, closed my eyes and wishedAs /opened my eyes, I found my father was standing right beside me. Happy birthday, sonhe said, patting my shoulder gently. I smiled up at him and took his hand. Looking back, life fromthat day on marked the start of a close bond and a strong friendship with my father. What was mybirthday surprise? Wishes do come truePossible version 2I stared at the paper and then looked around. On the backside, there was a map. I noticed thatit was clearly leading me in a direction, but who could have sent this? I stood there in silence andstudied it. I decided to follow the map and it led me down the beach until I reached a staircase. Iooked back and could no longer see my siblings. I continued to follow the point on the map, untilI unexpectedly lost my footing and fell zksq down the stepsAs I opened my eyes, I found my father was standing right beside me. Happy birthday, sonhe said, patting my shoulder gently. Then he asked how I had come upon this place? I explained tohim that I had found the bottle in the ocean and when I opened it had the words on it. Shocked bythe message, my father realized what I had found I threw this bottle into the ocean many years agowhen I was alone. he said. I used to come to this exact place to get away from everyone else. NowI get to share this experience with you. What a birthday surprise


本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了复活节岛上的古老又巨大的石雕像,这些巨石雕像现在成了旅游景点。人们对这些巨石雕像是如何运到复活节岛上的感到迷惑不解,文章介绍了几名科学家的猜想32.D细节理解题。根据文章第一段第三、四句They are huge and some weigh more thaan80 tons. They are hundreds of years old.可知,这些巨石雕像笨重且历史悠久。故选D33.B推理判断题。文章第二段提到:现在每周有12个航班从智利、秘鲁和塔希提岛起飞。复活节岛上的每一份工作都离不开旅游业。2011年,5万名游客飞往复活节岛。游客去那里只有一件事:就是去看巨石雕像,由此可知选B。34.A细节理解题。文章第三段提到了 Jared Diamond的观点:他还认为,人们砍伐岛上的树木,因为他们需要木头来移动雕像。他们也需要砍伐树木,腾出空间来种植食物。因为他们砍伐树木,岛上发生了环境灾难。由此可知, Jared Diamond认为岛上过去应该有很多树。故选A。35.C细节理解题。文章最后一段提到了Hunt和Lipo对巨石雕像如何运到岛上的看法由“ They say that it was possible to movethe statues with a small number of peopleand a system of ropes.”可知,他们认为少数人加上绳索就可移动石雕像。故选C。

