2022 英语周报 高考版 课标 14答案


写作Dear TonyYou say you have dimeulty adap ting to the new study and life herelow exactly how you feel.(表示关心) You must be very anxious,butqui te normal since this is your first time to study in a foreig【高分句型-】 Just relax. First, break bearning goaIs into small stepsen get involved in school activities, wherou can make more friends.【高分句型二】(帮他分析原因Hopefully my sugsestions would be helpfum always the person youcan count on提供建议)s t


【命题意图】该题以原创立体几何图形为背景考查平面素求解、线面垂直的判定和性质、二面角的向量求法,属于档偏难题,考查直观想象、数学抽象、数据处理的核心素养答案】(1)见解析(21)证明:连结AO并延长,交BCJM,交圆柱侧面于NQ AB=AC, OB=OC又圆柱OQ中,A41BC,AO1A4=ABBC⊥平面AO4不论P在何处,总有P4C平面AO04BC⊥P41分如图,建立空间直角坐标系O一x,由(1知BCPAB=Ac设O01=AA1=AN=aAM= ACxcos∠ CMAOOMAABCAN 6CMEBM从而A(-a0)B(a,a, P(0,0-a)n=00设平面4PB的一个法向量为“=(xy2),则有(6y分而平面BCGB1的一个法向量为ν=(L0,于是得cos <乱v牛故所求锐二面角的余弦值为11分< p>

2022 英语周报 高考版 课标 14答案

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