

第二节书面表达(满分20分)a possible versionSmall Act, Big DifferenceBy LiJinLast Sunday, I took part in a voluntary activity in our neighborhood with many othervolunteers, which was aimed at protecting our environment. Never shall I forget thisexperienceWe gathered at our neighborhood committee at 8: 30 am and started our voluntary workas soon as possible. Some volunteers swept the streets and picked up rubbish from the grassSome put up posters about garbage sorting while others removed advertisements from wallsand doors. What I did was to hand out some brochures to remind people of reducing oushopping. Every volunteer spared no effort to make our environment cleaner and grece ocarbon footprint by getting around on foot or by bike, using reusable bags when gThe activity not only raised peoples awareness of environmental protection but alsostrengthened our sense of social responsibility. Only with our joint efforts can we live in abetter neighborhood. I believe our small act can make a big difference



