

【参考范文】One day, Spotty returned from his daily walk with a broken leg. Appearing exhausted, he came to myroom and sat near me, the leg bleeding. I called my mother and she quickly tied a bandage around his leg andgave him food to eat. I was very upset. But the next day, Spotty followed me wherever I went happily asusual though he limped a bit. After this incident my relation with Spotty became more intense. I reallyadmired him a lot for his courageAlmost a year later, one midnight we heard Spotty barking breathlessly. We rushed out and saw himbarking continuously, heading somewhere. After some time Spotty became quiet. I patted him on his backand came inside. The next morning, my heart skipped a beat when I didn't see Spotty. I searched for him ineach and every corner but in vain. And this time he had gone and would never come back. I cried and waitedfor him. But there were no signs of him and I only say him looking at me with his sparking eyes in my dream


23.(14分)(1)第三周期第ⅢA族(1分)(2)ALCl溶液中存在水解平衡ACl+3H2OA(OH)3+3HC及结晶溶解平衡AlCl(s).A+(aq)+3c(aq),盐酸浓度增大,两平衡均向左移动,AICl3溶解度减小(2分)(3)过滤(1分)浓盐酸(1分)2ACl·6H2OAL2O+6HC+9H2O(2分)(4)Al2O3(1分)石墨电极被阳极上产生的O2氧化(2分)(5)NHCl分解产生的HCl能够破坏Al表面的Al2O3薄膜(2分)(6)因存在ACl3+3H2OAl(OH)3+3HCl,在干燥的HC气流中,能抑制ACl3,水解,且带走ACl·6H2O晶体受热产生的水蒸气,可得到纯净的ACl3(2分)【解析】(1)铝在元素周期表中位于第三周期第ⅢA族。(2)ACl溶液中存在水解平衡ACl+3H2OA(OH):+3HC及结晶溶解平衡ACl3(s)AP+(aq)+3c-(a),盐酸浓度增大,两平衡均向移动,AlCl3溶解度减小。(3)固液分离采用过滤操作;由于氯化铝水解溶液显酸性,浓盐酸能抑制其水解,可用浓盐酸洗涤;ACl3·6H2O焙烧的化学方程式为2AICl3·6H2O-Al, O,+6HCl+9H,O(4)工业上电解熔融氧化铝制备金属铝,阳极生成O2,O2与石墨电极发生反应生成CO2,造成阳极石墨被消耗。(5)铝表面有氧化膜(A2O),NHCl分解产生的HCl能够与Al2O3反应,有利于铝粉与氮气反应生成AN。(6)由于A+水解,故应在HC气流中加热,以抑制AlCl3水解。

