英语周报 2018-201目标 28答案


Dear Sir/MadamI'm planning to travel to the USA in the coming JulyTherefore, I'm writing to inquire about travel routesof your agency.【要点一,发出请求ntend to stay in America for about 10 days, durig which I hope to have a look at some unique naturalscenery and have a taste of local customs【高分句型hich引导定语从句】.So, could you please recommend some suitable travel routes? In addition . Id like to know the prices of the routes, covering all the traveling expenses【高分句型二,现在分词 covering作状语】.【要点二,告知相关信息】A reply at your earliest convenience is highly apprecYours,Li Hua

屏幕快照 2020-03-01 下午10.54.02.png@!test

16.D【解析】小球只受重力与支持力,F= gaiN0沿斜面向下,合力(加速度a=gsin0)恒定不变,小球在斜面上做类平抛运动,即做匀变速曲线运动,故A项错误:小球沿斜面向下运动,有sin e得t=sin d,B项错误;水平位移x心=sin o√gC项错误;从A点运动到C点的过程根据动能定理得m是-zm:,解得x=+2gh,D项正确

英语周报 2018-201目标 28答案

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