

短文改错A professor gave a balloon to every student, whom had to write their name on it or throw it in thewhoandhallway. The professor then mixed all the balloon, The students were given 5 minutes to find their ownballoonsballoon.Despite of a busy search, no one found their balloon. At that point the professor told the students totaking the first balloon that they found and hand it to A person whose name was written on it. SurprisingtaketheSurprisinglyeveryone had their own balloon soon. Thehe professor said to the students: "These balloons is like happiness.areWe would never find it if everyone is looking for their own. But if we care about other people,'s happinessllwe'll find our too."ours


【篇章导读】世界上有许多无家可归的人,本文探讨了其部分原因和解决途径36.C【解析】后文的 However, sometimes we may become curious about how people land up in this situation中的 become curious about…表明了很多人忽视无家可归的人这一问题,故选C37.G【解析】本段的主旨 Poverty is perhaps the main cause of homelessness.表明这段主要是讲贫穷问题,故选GAA、030A8AAa010A38.B【解析】后文的 With the world unemployment rate at7:9%in2017这句话表明讲失业率的问题,因此选B。联3 Hinoto aeuo910,“的39.E【解析】本段的主旨是缺乏人们可以负担得起的房子,是导致无家可归的人多的原因之一,因此这里具体阐述买不起房子的严重情况,故选E。平鼠=03M8,四,照40.F【解析】此处补充说明有些身体有健康问题的人即使有机会治疗,他们也不治疗这一情况导致的结果。

