2022 英语周报 八年级 GZ 44答案



Paragraph 1Now we are at the crossroads. Turn left hereman told poI m quite lost now. Are you sure youknow the way? " Polly asked. "Where is the tall man?Arethese two men bad guys? Thinking of these questions toherself, Polly couldnt help starting to feel frightenedagain.You really shouldnt feel anxious.Here we areKing Street. The old man stopped. "Thank you so muchfor coming to my aid, said Polly in relief. "Would youlike to come in and rest for a while?”“lt’ s very nice ofyou," said the old man,“butI' be off.”Paragraph 2Theola man turneded back and Polly curiously askedwhere he was going. "There may be more people losttoday, and Id like to help them. You see, a fog this badis rare. It gives me the chance to pay back the help thatpeople give me when it is sunny. A blind person like mecan't get across the road without help, except in a fog likethis. Seeing the old man feeling his way forward with thestick, Polly felt a warm glow spread through her body.Shewas already in tears before she knew it


21.【解析】(1)证明:f'(x)=ae+cosx+1,因为x∈[0,m],所以1+cosx≥0,当a=-1时,f'(x)=-e+cox+1,…………………………2分令g(x)=-e+cosx+1,g'(x)=-e-sinx<0,………………………………4分g(x)在区间[0,m]上单调递减;g(0)=-1+2=1,g()=-e”<0,存在x∈(0,T),使得f'(x)=0,……5分所以函数∫(x)递增区间是[0,x],递减区间是[x,m].所以函数f(x)存在唯一的极大值点x…………………………………6分(2)当-2 0,h'(w)=ae"<0,…………………7分存在x∈(0,),使得h'(x)=0,即aeb+cosx0+1=0,所以函数h(x)在区间[0,x]上是递增函数,在区间[x,T]上是递减函数9分h(x)m=h(x)=ae+sinx+x-丌,x∈(0,丌),因为ae+cosx+1=0,只需证h(x)=siax-cosx+x-1-T<0即可h'(xo)=cosx+ sInx+1,h'(x)>0,……………10分h(x)在区间(0,m)上是增函数,h(x)

2022 英语周报 八年级 GZ 44答案

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