

到先得”的准则。4.D。根据可知,第一段提出 Marie Curie是为了引出今年获得诺贝尔奖的两位女性科学家。25.C。根据第四段 Their discovery….“ may make the dream of curing inherited diseases come true”可以得出正确答案为C26.C。根据第五段的 Another thing they share in common is a passion for science.可以得出正确答案为C27.D.本文介绍了今年诺贝尔化学奖的两位女性科学家,并围绕她们的事迹展开全文,所以正确答案为D


第二节读后续写【写作指导】◆文章主线已知线索:Surfer被送到了“我”家经营的动物收养所一父亲在宠物收养网站上刊登 Surfer的信息— Parker一家要领养 Surfer-7oey是一只没有人愿意领养的狗狗—7oey被以前的主人伤害过—刚来到动物收养所时,Zoey对“我们”充满敌意—渐渐地 Zooey和“我们”建立了信任—7y喜欢和 Surfer待在一起Parker一家来了可续写线索Surfer和Zooe依依不舍?“我们”和 Parker一家不忍看它们离别?父亲把Zoy的故事讲给 Parker一家听? Parker一家收养 Zooey?两只狗狗和“我们”都非常开心?◆续写词汇已给提示词汇:Surfer, home, a loving family, responsible, Zooey,adopt, treated, barked, trusted, the Parkers续写可能用到的词汇:agreementOne possible versionParagraph 1When Surfer got tired, he wandered back to ZooLooey still wagged its tail lazily and sniffed around Surferwhile Surfer curled around Zooey, without any intention toeave with the Parkers. When it was time to leave Dadcalled Surfer gently and guided him to the Parkers'carHowever, Surfer followed Dad unwillingly, turning around togaze at Zooey. Meanwhile, Zooey rushed towards Surferbarking in sadness as if they would never meet again. TheParkers and our family all are unwilling to see this sceneDad told Zooey's story to Mr. and Mrs. Parker.Paragraph 2Mr. and Mrs. Parker asked if they could adopt ZooeyAre you sure?Dad asked. "Absolutely ! Mr Parkernodded. "She has been through a lot. I'd hate to separateher from her best friend. Hearing this, the children bothcracked into smiles. because they knew this was the bestending for the two dogs. Zd Surfer suddenly rushed toeach other and curled together as if they understood theagreement, with tails wagging crazily to show theirappSeeing the Parkers and two dogswerethrilled to find a loving family for them

