2022 英语周报 七年级 csx 36答案


导读……本文是说明文。幸福研究所在丹麦哥本哈根开设了世界上第一个幸福博物馆,文章介绍了这家博物馆的创立、面积、展室、展品等信息。曾除解析28.B细节理解题。根据第二段 The eight- room museum is devoted to literally bringing happiness to life, reminding visitors what it is that gives value to them and makes them feel good可知,该博物馆创立的目的是帮助游客了解并体验幸福,B项与文意相符。29.D细节理解题。根据第三段 There’ s also a geography of happiness section that explores the role of built environments on happiness levels可知,在 the geography of happiness展室可了解到建筑环境对幸福指数的影响情况。30.A词义猜测题。第四段中的两个问句“你能确定蒙娜丽莎嘴角的哪半部分在微笑吗?你如何解释幸福的意义?”强调的是游客个人对幸福的“理解”,下文提到博物馆收藏了由全球的人们捐赠的艺术品,这些艺术品可以使他们想到他们生活中的幸福时刻,从这句话也可以看出对于幸福,每个人都会有个人的理解,A项契合文意31.D推理判断题。最后一段提到,该博物馆有严格的规则来确保社交距离和安全,包括游客人数及人馆通道限制等,这些都是确保游客安全的措施,故选D项。


第三节One possible wersionParagraph 1Some time later, he woke up under a tree in the samevalley. He was alone, worried about his dog and he knewhe was going to get into more trouble with his wife. Then henoticed a curious thing his hair was over his shouldersand his beard was over a foot long! So strange was he thathe decided immediately to get back to the village. As soonas he got there, he realized that everything was differentand there were lots of new houses. Surprisingly, he didn'trecognize the people in the villageParagraph 2:When he got to his house, he saw that it was old andbandoned. To his sorrow, his wife had died two years before and the two children had left away. Despite the arment with his wife, he was regretful for the past. Facingthis sharp change, Rip was determined to change his way ofliving and never be a lazy man. He became a diligentfarmer and kept pace with the new society. In his sparetime, he would still go to the old inn that had been rebuiltto tell some stories about his adventure in the valley, whichappealedto the children a lo

2022 英语周报 七年级 csx 36答案

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