

第一节语篇解读】本文是一篇汜叙文。作者曾在一本杂志里写了张“你本来就很美”的纸条来鼓励自已。一个偶然的机会,作者把这张纸条送给了一个受体重困扰的女孩,希望她能变得自信。21.参考答案C说明分析根据文章第二段内容可知,女孩正在看一篇如的文章;再结合最后一段中的“ Suddenly, I realized thatworrying about her weight.”可知,女孩看起来有点儿胖22.参答案B说明分析根据上文中的 I'd just placed magazines in a box when a girlentered"可知,女孩从作者刚刚放进箱子里的几本杂志中挑选23.参考答案D说明分析根据下文 about magazines about losing weight可知,作者从小就深受体重的困扰24.参考答案A说明分析根据上文可知,作者从小就深受体重的困扰,所以痴迷于有关减肥的杂志25.参考答案D明分析根据上文可知,这个女孩读的就是作者痴迷的那种有关减肥的杂志。26.参考答案A说明分析根据下文中的 I looked at the page可知,女孩在杂志的一页上停了下来。27.参考答案C说明分析根据下文“, and found that the photos wereIt wasan article about losing weight.”可知,作者仔细看女孩正在读的那一页28.参考答案B说明分析根据上下文可知,作者读过这篇文章,所以对文章里的照片很熟悉。29.参考答案D说明分析这篇关于减肥的文章建议读者只喝一碗卷心菜汤。30.参考答案A明分析根据下文中的 because it was harmful可知,只喝一碗卷菜汤对健康有害,所以作者很恼火31.参考答案B说明分析根据上文中的“ My face went red as the girl read it”可知当女孩读到作者写的纸条时,作者的脸涨得通红,觉得自己的私人想法被展示出来了。32.参考答案D说明分析根据卜文 she hadn' t realized i was the one who wrote the note可知,作者希望女孩没有意识到是作者写的纸条33.参考答案B说明分析根据上文“ My face went red as the girl read it”可知,当女孩读到作者写的纸条时,作者的脸涨得通红,所以用整理书来掩饰自己的尴尬。4.参考答案C说明分析根据上文可知,作者写了一张纸条,此处是说这个女孩没有向作者询问有关纸条的事。35.参考答案A说明分析根据上文可知,这个女孩受自己的体重的困扰,所以作者把纸条送给了女孩。


Li hua第二节参考范文But Alex uxs shocked to see a crocodile swimming in a jar of pickles. The crocodile looked mean andappeared ready to attack. Alex closed the refrigerator door and cried out, "Help me! Please help me! "Alex'sry for help woke everyone in his family up. His parents and brother rushed to see what was wrong. Alex hidbehind the kitchen table as he pointed to the refrigerator and said, " Daddy, there s a crocodile in our pickle jar.Alex's Dad reached into the pickle jar and took a huge bite out of the crocodile. It was just a piece of pickleThen Aler's parents reminded him of how important food was for energy. Alex's empty stomachwhy he had felt dizzy and weak: and when you feel that way your eyes can play tricks on you. So you see.never was a crocodile in the pickle jar that night! The next evening when Alexs Mom told everyone there wasplenty of leftover chocolate cake for dessert, Alex was the only one who didnt want any. He was too full.Three helpings of vegetables will do that.

