

【答案】8.C9.A10.D11.B【解析】【分析】这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要讲述世界最大冰山即将撞上南乔治亚岛,岛上野生动物恐遭灭顶之灾【8题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段 ' if the iceberg hits the island, it could prevent the penguins and seals from reachingfood supplies”(如果冰山撞击小岛,它会阻碍企鹅和海豹得到食物供应。)可推知,即将到来的冰山碰撞将使岛上的野生动物面临着挨饿的危险。故选C项。【9题详解】主旨大意题。根据第二段的内容 The huge iceberg is named A68a. It broke away from Antarctica' s Larsen C IceShelf in 2017. Satellite images show the iceberg has remained in one piece. It is estimated to be about 150kilometers long and 48 kilometers wide. It is traveling at one kilometer per hour and is on a path to hit SouthGeorgia in around30days(这座巨大的冰山被命名为A68a。2017年,它从南极洲的拉森C冰架脱离。卫星图片显示,冰山仍完好无损,预计长度为150公里、宽度为48公里。以每小时一公里的速度行进,将在大约30天内到达南乔治亚。)”可知,本段讲述了冰山的特点。故选A。【10题详解】细节理解题。根据第四段的“ This could affect krill(磷虾) populations that are a major source of food for theisland's wildlife. The iceberg could remain for up to 10 years and change the area,s whole ecosystem. These areglobally significant populations of these species. If these species fail in this particular area, then the numbersglobally are going to go down quite dramatically.(这可能会影响磷虾的数量,而磷虾是岛上野生动物的主要食物来源。冰山可能会持续10年,并改变该地区的整个生态系统。这些是这些物种的主要居住地,如果这些物种在这个特定的领域衰败了,那么这些物种的全球数量将会急剧下降)”可知,冰山相撞会影响某些物种的数量。故选D【11题详解】细节理解题。根据最后一段 Geraint Tarling说的话" The breaking off of icebergs from Antarctica is a naturalprocess. But the process is changing with climate change. What we're seeing with models and some observationsnow is that this is happening at an increasing rate. And so, this might become more of a usual thing in the future.南极洲的冰山脱落是一个自然过程。但这一过程正随着气候变化而改变。我们通过模型和一些观察现在看到的是,这种情况正在增加。因此,这在未来可能会成为一件更平常的事情。”)可知, Geraint Tarling认为未来冰山脱落可能会成为常态。故选B。

屏幕快照 2020-02-25 下午6.46.22.png@!test


