英语周报 2022九年级 课标 1答案


I was already at the mall door when Mathew caught upwith me. " Do you have 750 plus 25 for delivery, ma'am?Yes. Yes. That's about all I have, "Well then, you just have your husband sitting at the front gate on Fridaymorning around 10 o'clock so he can be there when my Dad and I come to unload his new canoe.(高分句型)We'll even put a bow on it for his birthday "I started to cry. My old hand shook as I wrote out my cheque(马修追上我商量独木舟的事)Ma'am. There's something you should know. This store was my Grandpa's and the canoe had been orderedby him. He always promised to retire one day. Said hewanted to spend time relaxing and out fishing in a canoe. "He swallowed hard. "My Grandpa died, sudden-likejust last week. He was only 68 years old. I think he'd bemighty happy that your husband will get this canoe高分句型二) You just have to make sure he uses it a lot, okay? Promise""I promise, " I said as I dashed off toook for my dear sweet husband.(马修以一个十分便宜的价格卖给了我,只要我答应好好对待这个独木舟



英语周报 2022九年级 课标 1答案

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