2021-2022 英语周报 高考 6答案




第二节Dear WangmingHow are you recently? I am sorry that I haven't written to you so long, ow my familycoronavirus hasntare very up. You must knowthe novbeen controlled effectivelysince it broke out in the US and so many people are being infected every day. So we dare notgo out because ofYou are lucky. When the novel coronavirus broke out in China, thegovernment took strong and effective measures and controlled its spread. There have been nolocal cases of infected people since September. China is great! Chinese people are lucky! Ireally regret coming here sometimes. I hope that I can return to our motherland as soon aspossibleFinally may you make great progress!LiHua.

2021-2022 英语周报  高考 6答案

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