

33(1)答案:ADE活寒可无摩擦滑动,外界大气压强不变,故气体为等压变化;活塞缓慢向右移动过程中气体体积增大,故温度一定升高,气体内能增加,故A正确,D正确电阻丝向气体放热气体温度升高,而理想气体内能只取决于分子动能,气体温度升高,分子平均动能增大,故B错误气体内能增大,由热力学第一定律可知,电阻丝向气体放出的热量一定大于对外做功,故C错误气体体积变大,故气体单位体积内的分子数减小时,故单位时间内气体分子对活塞的碰撞次数减小,故E正确。(2)(1)根据液体压强公式p=Pgh得0.38g×A。=pgh(2分)代入数据解得h≈5.2m(2分)(1)封闭气体在地表p一Pg(A,-h)=3pg,V1=1。S,T1=300K在火星表面P=P×0.38X[h,一hm+2(x-1m)],V2=1S,T2=280K(2分)根据理想气体状态方程PIV P,vT TI(2分)联立解得h0.57c即火星表面的大气压强PA-O. 57cmHR(1分)


第二节书面表达One possible versionDear peterI know you are interested in ancient Chinese cultureThere is a good news that an exhibition of ancient Chineseinventions will be held in our school next Monday. It willlast for five days. We can visit it at any time duringthe exhibitionThe show will display some great inventions in ancientChina. including the world-famous Four Great Inventionsthe compass, papermaking, gunpowder and printing. Theyhad significant effects on the development of society. Forexample, thanks to papermaking and printing, a great dealof ancient information has been kept in books. These greatancient inventions made tremendous contributions to theworld civilizationooking forward to your replyLi hu

