2022英语周报 0 高二 外研提升 7答案


22解:(1)因为定义域为R的函数∫()=+是偶函数,则f(-x)=f(x)恒成立,即一故(a-0)(-6”)=0恒成立,因为e-e-不可能恒为0,所以当一a=0时,f(-x)=f(x)恒成立,而a>0,所以a=1.分)(2)函数f(x)=e+亠在(0,+∞)上单调递增(5分)(3)由(2)知,函数f(x)在(0,十∞)上单调递增,而函数f(x)是偶函数,若存在实数m,使得对任意的t∈R,不等式f(t-2) 0对任意的t∈R恒娥立,则△=(4m-4)2-12(m2-4)<0,即(m-4)2<0,故m∈则,所以不存在满足题意的实数m(12分)


短文改错Some Senior 3 students can t study efficiently because of staying up late. What's more, many have anxiety,which also lead to the inefficiency of studyingIn the respect of the problem, I have some suggestion for them. First, they should have enough sleepsuggestionsthat is of great importance. Beside, striking a balance between study and relaxation is necessarily. FinallywhichBesidesnecessaryit's a great idea to them to spend more time doing sports.forIn my opinion, more attention should A paid to Senior 3 students' health. I suggest they take care ofthem so that they can stay healthy and study good.themselveswell

2022英语周报 0 高二 外研提升 7答案

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