2022 英语周报 九年级 牛津 5答案


9.A因酸性HCO3> HCIO>HCO3,故“84”消毒液的漂白原理为 NaClo+co2+HONahco3+HClO,A项正确;从反应方程式看,生成1 mol cl2,溶液中Na数目应该为NA,但制取漂白液时发生反应:C12+2NaOH=NaCH+ NaClo+H2O,故溶液中Na数目应大于NA,B项错误;当1 mol naclo作氧化剂时,同时消耗1mol作还原剂的HCl,此时氧化剂比还原剂多38g,反应转移电子数为MA,C项错误;气体体积受压强和温度影响较大,D中未指明气体条件,无法计算,D项错误。


41.【参考范文】In the physical test last week, Tom, one of my classmates, suddenly fell to the ground and hurt hisknees when he was practicing the long jump. His face turned pale and showed he was in great painSeeing this, our classmates quickly came to him. They took him to the school rest room. One boyuntied his shoes and applied some ice to his wounds. At the same time, the girls comforted him in a softvoice. Soon, our head teacher came. He took some emergency measures to lessen Tom's pain. Fifteenminutes later, the medical staff arrived and Tom was taken to hospitalSuch an incident impressed everyone present. I realize that love and care are the best medicine for aninjured person

2022 英语周报 九年级 牛津 5答案

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