

【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述了加拿大首相 Justin Trudeau公布了加拿大2050年实现零排放的计划28.D推理判断题,由文章第二段“ Net-zero means that all emissions produced are absorbed through plantsand trees or buried through carbon-capture technology."可知,零排放是指排放物都被植物吸收或掩埋,故选D物电 greement.”可知各个国家都被要求每五年汇报一下进展情况,故选 rogress every five years under theC细节理解题。由文章第三段“ Greenhouse gases have hit record lows because of the pandemic-inducedeconomic slowdown.”可知排放减少是由于经济放缓,故选C31.C推理判断题,由文章最后一段“ Canada has failed to meet its environmental targets in the past.”和“Thecountry will miss its2020 target and is on track to miss its2025 target..”可以推断出加拿大在未来可能无法达到其环保目标。故选C


【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了 Morgan Alley的海报被选中参加国际和平海报比赛,24.B细节理解题。由文章第二段“ This year' s poster theme was‘ Peace through Service’ and Morgan used acombination of color pencils and watercolor paints to complete her poster of a doctor helping someone inneed.”可知, Morgan Alley的海报是关于一名医生帮助别人的,故选B25.B细节理解题。由文章第四段“ Morgan' s older sister had her artwork chosen to go forward as NewZealand' s entry into the international competition in2018/19. Morgan says that inspired her.”可知答案。故选B26.D推理判断題。由文章第五段中的“ Morgan is thrilled that one of her illustrations has been selected by theauthor of the Harry Potter series, JK Rowling for her book The lckabog.”和第六段可知, Morgan认为她的插图被 JK Rowling的新书选中是她最大的成就。故选D,27.C标题归纳题,文章主要介绍了 Morgan Alley的海报被选中参加国际和平海报比赛,故选C

