



第二节书面表达【写作指导】审题[的:使用第上h名三人写作思路要点安排:要点1和要点3简写,要点2详细展开描述要点2:听陶艺讲座,老师或陶艺师展示谋篇制陶过程,描述成品,社团成员自己尝添枝」试,尝试结果等加要点3:对中国陶艺了解更深刻,更加明白当手艺人的不易,更加明白动手的重要性,更好地挖掘了自己的潜能等【佳作展台】Hello, everyoueI'm more than delighted to share with you the activity our pottery cluborganized last Friday in the Activity CenterAs scheduled. it started with the excellent presentation by ourinstructor Mr. Wang, who masterminded this session. We all observedcarefully how a mass of clay was transformed fantastically into a vividChinese animal sign. Everyone present warmly clapped and cheered. MIWang also encouraged us to have a hands-on experience. We could hardly. hinese animal sign. Everyone present warmly clapped and cheered. MrWang also encouraged us to have a hands-on experience. We could hardlywait to have a try. Thanks to his help, we all accomplished our own workwith which we had photos taken together proudlyThrough this experience, we got to know more about Chinese potteryand what it took to make a craftsman【亮点梳理】亮点词汇: more than, excellent, presentation,amass of, transformed, fantastically, vivid, accomplished 4亮点句型:省略句( As scheduled),定语从句( who mastermindedthis session和 with which we had photos taken together proudly),宾语从句( what it took to make a craftsman)。

