

【谓篇类型】记叙文【主题语境】人与自我一珍惜拥有【文章大意】 beverly转学到一所城市里的学校,她充满了期待和快乐,但是开学第一天,一些同学见她是从小村庄来的便取笑她。上课后,老师让同学们写下世界七大奇迹,大多数同学都写下了”正确的答案”,但是 Beverly写下了看、听、感受、笑、思考、仁和爱。beverly提醒了老师和同学,让大家知道自己所拥有的东西多么宝贵【写作指导】首先要厘清故事的人物及其关系,文章中涉及的人物有 Beverly、老师以及班級其他同学。阅读短文可知文主旨体现在最后一句" The Seven Wonders are- to be able to see, to be able lohear, to be able to feel, to laugh, to think, to be kind, to love",续写内容不能偏离主题。根据续写第一段提示语可知,本段应描述 Beverly老师和同学的反应。再结合续写第二段提示语的"Ie' s rewrite thtrue Seven Wonders in your heart"和短文所给内容可知,第二段续写应涉及同学们心中的"七大奇迹"以及老师和同学们的感悟和收获等写作时注意运用第三人称和一般过去时One possible versionParagraph 1:The teacher stood shocked and the whole class laughed out loudBeverly stood up and lowered her head as if she had made a huge mistakeSorry, "Beverly murmured. The teacher approached her, patted herthe shoulder and motioned for her to sit down. "It's OK, Beverly. Youranswer is great. It reminds us of thegifts we have, which are realwonders. "After a brief silence, there was a burst of applause. Especiallythose who made fun of her at first, clapped their hands and looked ataragraph 2r Let's rewrite the true Seven Wonders in your heart, hids, the teachersaid Everyone spoke with one voice on the suggestion. Very quickly, thestudents handed in their papers, with their eyes sparkling with happinessAnswers on these papers were so various and sincere: my parents"playing with my dog Spotty", "the sunshine", " to be able to flyLooking at all kinds of answers, the teacher was surprised that thestudents'thinking was so rich. Meanwhile, she was glad they had got sucha valuable lesson


11解:():(x)=sa(x+2)in(+)+coz-3 sin x .(-cos x)+cos2x2Sin 2x+1+cs26)+(2分)∴函数f(x)的最小正周期为2二(4分)(2)令2x+x=kx十,k∈Z,解得x=十,k∈z,函数f(x)图象的对称轴为x=5+4,k∈Z(6分令2x+水=kπ,k∈Z,解得x=kr212k∈Z函数(x2图象的对称中心为(经一亚,0),k∈Z(8分)3若0∈[-2](2+)=30=n(+受)+2=+1,甲00=,∴sin=-√1-cos26=sin20=2 sin gcos0=-25,0s20=2-1=25(10分)in(20+)=5020021=35217√2+合×=(12分)50

