

语篇解读]本文是一篇记叙文,介绍了四位遭遇不幸氵却不放弃,并成功实现理想的人21.D[命题立意]考查细节理解[试题解析]根据 Bill Porter部分中的“ and later hebecame one of the best salesmen in America. Themovie Door to Door is about him”可知, Bill Porter成为美国最优秀的销售员之一,电影《永不放弃》就是以他为原型改编的,所以 Door to Door是一部关于销售员的电影。故选D22B[命题立意]考查细节理解[试题解析]根据 Evgeny Smirnov部分中的“Hisperformance became a great example of the fact thatsomeone can dance incredibly cool even without a leg可知,舞者 Evgeny Smirnov只有一条腿。故选B23.B[命题立意]考查细节理解[试题解析]根据 Andrea bocelli部分中的“ Perhapsthis helps Italian Andrea locellipopular blindclassical singer, to share fascinating and inspiringenergy with the audience through his songs.可知,如果你喜欢古典音乐,你可能会喜欢 Andrea locelli的表演。故选B


故选D[语篇解读]本文是一篇说明文,介绍了汉语是常难学的语言及其原因32.B[命题立意]考查细节理解[试题解析]根据第二段中的“ They all share roup\wone evolving writing system, referred to as writtenlanguage invented for administering a large, diverseempire.”可知,所有的中国方言的共同之处在于它们有相同的书写体系。故选B33.A[命题立意]考查推理判断[试题解析]根据第四段“ Fach written word when spokeis mutually incomprehensible between a Mandarin speaker inBeijing and a Cantonese speaker in Hong Kong. If you thinkthat's odd, consider our number system, the symbol/universally recognized but it's pronounced ' in Englil'devet’' in Slovenian.”可以推断出,作者在第四段提到符号“9”是为了证明汉语方言和其他语言一样存在字同音不同这个现象。故选A34.C[命题立意]考查细节理解[试题解析]根据最后一段中的“ And then there are thpronunciation challenges. There are four tones inMandarin, high pitch (say G in a musical scale), risinpitch(like from C to G), falling( from G to C) andfalling low then rising(C to B to G)-and if you thinkthat's difficult, there are nine tones in Cantonese."vAx"In other words, if you are tone-deaf, you might aswell give up now."可知,作者认为掌握汉语不同的声that's difficult, there are nine tones in Cantonese."wtx"In other words, if you are tone-deaf, you might aswell give up now."可知,作者认为掌握汉语不同的声调是难以克服的挑战。故选C35.B[命题立意]考查主旨大意[试题解析]根据第一段“ The US Foreign ServiceInstitute has classified languages in degrees of difficultfor English speakers. Chinese takes approximately2, 200 hours ranking top 5 along with Arabic, Koreanand Japanese.”以及最后一段中的“ In other words,iyou are tone- deaf, you might as well give up now, "T知这篇文章主要讲了中文很难学。故选B语篇解读

