2022英语周报 八年级 新目标 35答案


第三节One possible wersionParagraph 1I was tired. My arms were really heavy and I felt as ifthey were on fire. We were made up and down by thewaves.I didnt know how much longer I could pull that oarthrough the water. As if he heard my thinking, my fathercalled to me, "I need you, Karl. Only a little longer. "Soi kept pulling. Just when I thought I had no more strengthI heard it- the sound of waves breaking against the shoreIt refreshed us greatly and we kept pulling. At last wemoved into the shelter with all the herringParagraph 2My mother rushed through the rain to greet us."Ivebeen so worried, she said. She hugged me tightly andthen my father. Nothing to worry about, "he assured herHe put his hand on my shoulder. "You did well, son. Howdo you feel? " Tired as I was, I managed a smile."FineAnd Daddy, you ar


文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要遒过实验说明了人们为什么抵制不住对食物的冲动。原因是人脑内有个专门的区城管控着人们冲动的大脑回路,这个区域会产生一种让我们对食物产生欲望的化学物质32.答案B命题透析词义猜测题。思路点拔根据第二段内容及第七段内容可知,人脑内有个专门的区域管控着人们的冲动的大脑回路,这个区域会产生一种让我们对食物产生欲望的化学物质,此处语境表示如果控制这个大脑回路,人们就有可能研发出治疗暴饮暴食的方法。由此推断该词和 control同义33.答案C命题透析细节理解题。思路点拔根据第五段中的“ Hit that lever too early-as impatient test subjeets occasionally did- and the counterwould start from scratch. Lever-happy rats would have to wait another cycle before the food became available again可知,如果老鼠在不到20秒时按下杠杆的话,那么计时将重新开始,老鼠将不得不再等20秒才能再次获得食物。34.答案A命题透析推理判断题。思路点拔在第五、六段中介绍实验中研究人员观察到了老鼠在面对食物时迫不及待的表现,然后第七段介绍在注射了MCH之后老鼠对有食物更加强烈的冲动。由此可知实验的目的是对比老鼠在注射MCH前后的表现,换句话说实验的目的是研究MCH对大脑产生的冲动、刺激的作用35.答案D命题透析标题归纳题。思路点拔本文主要介绍了一项新的研究,从科学的角度解释了人们为什么总是不能够控制自己“再吃口”的冲动。由此推断D选项内容可以概括文章中心

2022英语周报 八年级 新目标 35答案

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