

第二节One possible version:I recalled the lad s words. I thought it was time to pay her kindness forward, by buying the twomen a meal and two cups of coffee to thank them for all that they had done. So I paid the bill and wrotedown my blessings as well as"paying it forward"on the back of the bill. The firefighters were confused atfirst, but upon listening to me explaining everything, they accepted my offer pleasantly. After their mealthey left gratefully and joyfullOne of the firefighters posted the picture of the bill online and explained his ex perience in therestaurant. The post has since gained the attention of social media users all over the world, receivingcountless shares and likes in less than three days. Many people shared their stories in the comment sectionabout how they "pay it forward"and a lot more people decided to follow my example to do the goodpractice just as we did. viewing those heartfelt comments, I realized that by helping others, we can starta chain of reaction of positive feeling and good deeds that can benefit our whole society.


26.(14分)(1)①排尽装置中的空气,并将生成的气体吹出(2分)②安全瓶(1分)(2)① FECDGHC(2分)CuO(1分,其他合理答案也给分)②H中黑色粉末变为红色,其后连接的C中澄清石灰水变浑浊(2分,其他合理答案也给分)35S0,+2KMnO,+2H2O-K,,+2MnSO2H2SO4(2分)(3)试管中产生黑色沉淀(2分)Na2SO3(或NaS2O3)(2分,其他合理答案也给分)【解析】(1)①为防止空气中的氧气对实验的干扰,先通入N2将空气排尽,然后加热,直至反应结束N2除了可以排尽装置中的空气,还能将生成的气体吹出,②Na2SO4与焦炭高温加热后的产物中可能含有SO2等易溶于水的气体,装置B可防止倒吸(2)①气体中可能含有CO2、OO及SO,应先检验SO2,然后除去SO后再检验OO2,除去CO后再检验CO,实验装置连接的合理顺序为 ABFECDGHC→尾气处理;CO具有还原性,可将金属氧化物还原为金属单质,装置H中黑色粉末可以是CuO②H中黑色粉末变为红色,其后连接的C中澄清石灰水变浑浊,即可证明产物中有CO③装置E的作用是除去SO2,反应的化学方程式为5S0,+2KMnO4 2H,, SO, 2MnSO+2H2 SO,(3)能证明固态产物中含有Na2S的现象是试管中有黑色沉淀CuS生成;锥形瓶底部还产生少量黄色沉淀,黄色沉淀为硫单质,说明固态产物中还可能含有Na2SO3、Na2S2O2等。

