2022 英语周报 高一 外研综合 22答案


第四部分写作第一节Dear Jack,Welcome to our school to study as an exchange studentAs for how to borrow books from the school libraryyou need to have your student ID card and present it to thelibrarian, who can register for you. Then you can go to thebookshelves to look for what you need. You can borrow 2books once and keep them for a week in order that you canhave enough time to finish reading them. If you haventread the book through, you can renew it. You' ll have topay for it if you get the book damaged or lost.hope all this can be of help to you. For morenformation, don,t hesitate to ask meLi Hua


13.解:(1)金属杆刚开始滑动时加速度最大。此时有回路中的最大感应电流=B2(2分)金属杆所受的最大安培力F=BI(2分)金属杆的最大加速度大小a=mgsn30°+F(2分)B222uh解得a=马+mR分)(2)根据能量转化和守恒定律,有2b= groin30+Q(2分)解得x=32Q(1分)gg

2022 英语周报 高一 外研综合 22答案

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