英语周报 2018-2022 高三 课标答案


16.【解析】(1)以向右为正方向在0~3s内,对物块P由动量定理有Fit+F2t2-umg (t1 +t2)=mv-o(1分)其F1=2N,F2=3N,=2s=1,解得v=(2分)设物块P在B、C两点间滑行的加速度大小为a,由牛顿第二定律有pmg=ma分)物块P在B、C两点间做匀减速直线运动,有v2-n(1分)解得v=7m/s(2分)2)设物块P与物块Q发生弹性碰撞后瞬间物块P、Q的速度大小分别为v1、v,有mv, =mv'+mv2分)2m=2mn"+2m分碰撞后物块Q做匀减速直线运动物块Q运动的加速度大小为(1分)物块Q运动的时间为t=当(1分)解得t=3.5s(2分)


文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了一个名叫 Sneha Sharma的女孩通过自己的努力和抗争获得成功的24.答案D命题透析推理判断题思路点拔根据第一段中的“ It wasn' t easy as Sneha had to battle with her family and societal set ideas to walk orwhat was seen as an unconventional career path."和第二段中的“… her parents didn’ I approve of her passion.Theywanted her to focus on academics because they considered racing dangerous."可知, Sneha的父母认为她的梦想有点离经叛道。25.答案A命题透析细节理解题。思路点拨根据第二段中的“ I told myself that studies were also a preference along with racing”可知, Sneha认为学业也很重要答案D命题透析推理判斷题思路点拨根据第三段中的“ln2007, she went to San Francisco for flying classes.. A vear later, she joined IndigAirlines to nly airbus320.“和最后一段中的“ At the end of2019, Sneha,29, a brand ambassador, has her2020calendar charted out."可知, Sneha生于1990年,2008年 Sneha加入靛蓝航空公司成为飞行员时18岁。27.答案IANYI CULTURE命题透析推理判斷题。思路点拔根据第一段中的“ Sneha had to hattle with her family and societal set ideas”和第三段中的“ A normalday involved a lot of hustle”可知, Sneha是努力而且不断奋斗的人。

英语周报 2018-2022 高三 课标答案

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