2022英语周报 0 七年级 课标 28答案


第:节长長达(满分25分) Possible versionDate: March 21.2021The annual translation competition on Chinese poetry is going to be held online trom March 2& to 30 byschools English Chub. Any student who would like to participate needs to email the translation totranlslation-202lyahoo.com,andattachano-longer-than-3-minutevideoofpertormingthetranslationinspecially designed scene related to the poem. Then based on ten professional judges decision, there will be afirst-prize winner, two second-prize and five third-prize. The awards are more than wonderful and appealing, suchas Kindles and gil cards of Xinhua BookstoreAll of you, including the overseas students, are welcome to join in the activity. Not only can the experiencehelp you to gain a deeper understanding of Chinese culture and history, but it also gives you an opportunity to showhow well you master both Chinese and English. So what are you waiting for? Just begin your translationThe english Club


12.C【解析】连接AP,BF交于点Q、设1一4A声一kx对+yA,由FQ、B三点共线可得+一1+y-}过P作F的平行线交ADM, FRNAD TS则M=,因为AM的最大值为4,欲x+y=÷=1AM的最大值为4

2022英语周报 0 七年级 课标 28答案

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