2022 英语周报 八年级 AHW 19答案


第二节【写作提示】1.审题:(1)明确故事人物:本故事中主要人物为蒙蒂;(2)厘清主要事件:蒙蒂小时候随着做驯马师的父亲四处奔波,一次上课时,老师要求学生们写一篇关于梦想的文章,他在文中写到他想要拥有自己的马场,然而老师却认为他的目标不切实际,并要求他重写。2.写作要点:(1)蒙蒂回去思考是否要重写文章以及是否放弃老师所谓的“不切实际的”梦想;(2)20年后蒙蒂实现了老师眼中“不切实际的”梦想,老师大为吃惊,但也就此鼓舞学生向蒙蒂学习,努力追求自己的梦想。参考范文】The boy went home and thought about it long and hard. Havingnoticed the slight difference in Monty, his father accompanied the littleboy without any word until he asked in a low voice, Dad, have you everchanged your dream? Noticing the confusion on the young face, hisfather said without hesitation," Never, it is my treasure. It suddenlydawned on Monty that compared with getting an F for the paper, he wouldmore pained if he chose to give up on his dream. Making up his mindhe took his paper, and headed for the teacher. With determined eyesMonty said, "I am sorry. I'd like to keep working at my dream.Twenty years later, the teacher brought 30 students to camp out on aranch for a week. Learning Monty was the rancher, she was numb withsurprise. Wearing obvious guilt, she said to him, "Sorry for what I said atTwenty years later, the teacher brought 30 students to camp out on aranch for a week. Learning Monty was the rancher, she was numb withsurprise. Wearing obvious guilt, she said to him, " Sorry for what I said atthat time. Monty replied with a smile, Actually, I should thank you forletting me know what my dream meant to me." When the tour was about toend, the teacher called the students together and said in an emotional voiceKids, remember, be brave to pursue your dreams regardless of the realisticconditions. When she finished the words, a clap came from behind. It wasfrom Monty And soon, the students joined him.【点评】该范文围绕原文内容进行了非常合理的续写,紧扣语境,与原文逻辑紧密,详略得当。第一段紧扣原文最后一段中老师要求蒙蒂重写一个实际点的梦想,讲述了蒙蒂思考自己的梦想是否如老师所说是不切实际的,并在最后通过与父亲的谈话坚定了自己的梦想。第二段则紧承第一段内容,讲述蒙蒂坚持并实现了最初被老师认为不切实际的梦想。文章通过描述老师鼓舞其他学生们要勇于追求自己的梦想升华了文章的主题。以上内容既合理地对故事情节进行了延续,又将整个故事带入到一段十分鼓舞人的情境中。此外,该范文中不乏较为高级的表达,如 without hesitation, make up one' s mind,determined, be numb with surprise, regardless of等高级词汇和短语以及 It dawned on sh.tha.,定句型、现在分词短语作状语、when引导的时间状语从句等句式,使得文章语言表达丰富优美。



2022 英语周报 八年级 AHW 19答案

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