

14.C【解析】本题以化学反应、图像信息为载体,通过控制变量法探究影响速率、平衡的因素,计算化学平衡常数,判断化学平衡及平衡的移动。A项,由于保持恒压,气体质量不变,反应I、反应Ⅱ气体体积减小,反应Ⅲ气体体积不变,故反应体系的体积为变量,当体积不变时,反应体系的密度保持不变,反应达到平衡状态,正确;B项,同一容器中,起始CO2、CO的物质的量均为1mol,E点表示CO2和CO转化率相等(即物质的量的变化量相等),温度相同,反应时间相同,故反应达到E点时,v(CO2)=v(CO),正确;C项,根据已知信息,升高温度,平衡均向逆向移动,所以CO含量升高,错误;D项,初始充人4molH21moCO2、1 mol CO,F点时,CO转化率为0,则平衡时n(CO)为1mol,同时对应的CO2转化率为25%,此时可以看作只有反应LCO(g)+4H1(g)CH(g)+2H1O(g)发生,则反应的CO2的物质的量为0.25mol,则平衡时n(CO2)=0.75mol、n(H2)=4mol-4×0.25mol=3mol、n(H2O)=2×0.25mol=0.5mol,反应Ⅲ.CO(g)+H2O(g)CO2(g)+H2(g)的反应前后气体分子数目相等,计算平衡常数时物质的量可代表其浓度,则平衡常数K=(H2)·c(CO2)3mol×0.75mol(H2O)·c(CO)0.5m01×1mo=4.5,正确。


第二节One possible versionI told him politely, "Sir, please have your tea. I am not in ahurry. This gentleman who I had been seeing for the last few yearssuddenly looked up at me and for the first time we had eye contact-he had never made eye contact with me before I saw a different personthere, and he gave me a rare smile and said,Thank you! But it is aneveryday affair for me; you are not in a hurry but somebody else willcome who will be in a hurryI was sorry for my being impatient just now. Then I tookout a book from my bag to read. I didn t want to disturb himjust waiting patiently. After several minutes, my work was doneThe gentleman nodded to me again and said, Thank you foryour patience!When I left, I thought to myself, "I will be morefriendly to people who help me with my work in future.

