

第一节命题立意:本题要求学生以“我最爱的人”为题写一篇短文参加英语作文比赛。该题的情境设置合理,符合中学生的认知水平参考范文My Beloved OneSeeing the title, I think of my beloved mother. She is the most beautiful woman in the world, whose eyesare as clear and bright as stars in the night sky.My mother is generous, out-going and, above all, always optimistic, On a rainy day, she came to school bye-bike and picked me up. We made our way on the crowded street carefully. Suddenly, the bike slipped and bothof us fell onto the ground. Not annoyed, mother laughed and said that it was lucky for us not to be injured. I


14.参考答案1说明分析由曲线f(x)= acos t,得∫(x)=- asin r,则f(0)=-asin0=0.由曲线g(x)=x2+bx+1,得g(x)=2x+b,则g(0)=b因为曲线f(x)= acos c与曲线g(x)=x2+bx+1在交点(0,m)处有公切线所以f(0)=g(0),解得b=0又由g(0)=1,得交点为(0,1),将(0,1)代入曲线f(x)= acos a中,得acos0=a=1,所以a+b-1.

