

27.(15分)(1)FeSO+ H2 CO,-FeC2O++H2 SO,(2 sr)(2)①升高温度增大碱的浓度,粉碎矿石、增大接触面积。(2分,任选2条)②铁(2分)③草酸亚铁难于水,而杂质易溶于水,用热水洗涤有利于除掉杂质(2分)④a.55324510312(2分)b.93.6%(2分)(3)计+Fe+H2PO-2e— LiFePO+2H(3分)


书面达I'm delighted to know that you are going to ukpart in. Chinese poetry recitation contest. The factthat you are so interested in Chinese culture makes mhappy Now I'd like to offer you some practical adviceFirstly, you should have a better understanding ofwhat you are going to read. Only by doing this can youappreciate its beauty. Secondly, correct your pronuneation by listening to Chinese radio programs because allannouncers speak standard Chinese. What'sgood idea to make some Chinese friends and cote with then as often as possible, which can improve your spoken ChiI hope my opare of help to you and wishyou good luck andYours.Li H

