2022 英语周报 高一课标 6答案




第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)75will be all about food根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中Good volunteers bring a lot of energy to the project. The efforts of voluntefor worthy causes such as helping theedy at soup kititches or digging aeneeundeveloped -village with fresh water. But there may be such a volunteer whohis head buried in his smartphone, which is not much better than havinall.36.Cn&i vors .egor) slde/8s is15v02 boreovTEsEmpathy(同情心) atOm b0: adonis,08e1 sxi alat.rm /sos, ristnoo alios sFirst and foremost,a volunteer should care about the people- or animalsThis means the volunteer looks past cultural, religious and social differences arhat his efforts are making a positive impact on the lives of others. 37. Dhomeless shelter, for example, doesn't give a volunteer the right to discusspeople who need the shelter outside of the volunteer group: w issr asineMiPassionPassion is an important quality that a good volunteer should possess. 38he looks forward to doing, something he feels a need to do a His enthusiasmtells other people about the work he does and encourages other people to get o.with this kind of passion can be a one-person advertising agency for a worthyProfessionalism40018310) 10aninon Iu xa sn agrado o3 vsr varit mlyI 39. B He treats volunteering with the same level of professionalismand he respects the rules that come with it. He does what he says he's going toobstacles to make it happen. He also doesn't lower his level of quality output taid for it; he puts his best effort forward beceam Playerecause his reward is the differenctIt's important for a volunteer to be a self-starter, but it's equally import10210 (nier ai / nidilow to work as part of a team. 40. Eu No matter what differences in persotlook, everyone involved is in it for the same purpose: to help: those whemselves,fn97s17iCu05186 ast inspires someone to be a volunteer?Aod volunteer is reliable and dependable. noC, whar qualities does a good volunteer need to possess?Ab. He must also respect the, privacy of the people he helps.E. He knows how to cooperate with other volunteers with passionsFVolunteering for his favorite cause isn't just another way to spend a Saturdayis still in great need even thehough more and more people take on it.G.Vo空为一个承上启下的句子,引出下面所列的成为志愿者所需的品质32,【解析该空后面的例子一二志愿者帮助了无家可归的人,但是不能把这些事说给通3解的入听一应当是对该空内容的例证,所以该空应选D项,即“要尊重被帮助者的隐私38.【解析试空所在的小标题为“ Passion”,且该空后一句“这是他想做且觉得应该做的工不是像过周末一样(悠闲)”形成对比。30.【解析】城空为本段的主题句,结合其后的信息志愿者要具备专业素质做好志该空内容应为作为志愿者应该具备的素质。空后的信息也对应了关键词 reliable和de该选项中的关键词“cooperate with other volunteers"40【[解8。语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)呼应了本段的小标题。

2022 英语周报 高一课标 6答案

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