

第二节ne possible versionThe Smoke House has had a reputation for kindness ever sinceOliver is dad. His father was the original owner and was in chargeof the Smoke House. in addition to helping travelers in needOliver's father was also involved in the community by helpingto establish a state park, a medical center and more. These oftenoffered some help to some people who were in trouble or inneed. Oliver said his father encouraged him to help others fromhis childhood. And when his father passed away, the House wasleft to Oliver, and he continued offering help to those who arein needA month later, Susan returned to the smoke House. ToOliver's surprise, Susan gave the money back to Oliver. Her motherrecovered from the illness after she looked after her patiently, andshe said she was ready to pass kindness to others. For Susan, theSmoke House is a charity in her heart. When you' ve got foodou cant turn away people who need help, she said she wouldremember what Oliver once said.



