



C体裁:说明文题材:社会文化主题:爱的含义【语篇导读】当代社会许多美国人对愛的观念是狭隘的,它在过去的含义要比现在宽泛很多。【长难句分析】 Therefore, the love one felt for a sweetheart was not seenas qualitatively different from the feeling one might have for a youngersister. a friend. or even an idea句式分析:本句中有两个定语从句,分别是 one felt for a sweetheart和onemight have for a younger sister, a friend, or even an idea。本句的主句为the love was not secn as qualitatively different from the feeling央语预测卷句意:因此,一个人对发人的发与他对一个妹妹、一个朋友,甚至一个想法的爱没有本质上的区别。8.A【解析】主旨大意题。结合第一段内容以及第二段中的Ihadno idea why contemporary Americans' views of love were so narrow o]推知,爱曾经包含很多含义,而当代美国人对爱的观念却很狭隘。故选A项。9D【解析】词义猜测趣。根据画线词下文中的 The most specialplace in anyone's heart was supposed to be reserved for inner faith. a]知,任何入心中最特别的地方应该留给内心的信仰,所以将对配偶的爱描述成世界上最伟大的爱是对爱的表渎,即缺少尊敬。故选D项。10.c【解析】推理判断题。根据第五段中的 the love one felt for asweetheart was not seen as qualitatively different from the feeling onemight have for a younger sister, a friend, or even an idea可知,一个人对爱人的爱与对妹妹或朋友等的爱没有本质上的区别,因此,爱人之间的爱并不总是排在其他爱之前。故选C项。11.D【解析】推理判斷题。根据最后一段中的 a life filled with closeriendships is a life filled with love X fortunate enough to take andfulfill jobs may feel freer to say that we love our work可知,生活中的爱既包括亲密的友谊,也包括人们热爱的工作,爱是多方面的故选D项。

