2022 英语周报 高考 牛津 24答案


第二节语篇类型;说明文主题语境:人与社会—人际沟通—如何成为演说家语境概述;本文主要介绍了成为受人欢迎的演讲者的几个規劉,即注意和听众互动,在有小锚误时应继续往下讲,不断练习等。16.G上文提到有些人生来就有演讲的天赋:下文陈述了成为演说家的规则;据此可以判断,空处起承上启下的作用,说明普通人经过训练也可以成为演说家,故G项正确。17A根据上文可知,很多时候,当你站起来演讲时,你会把注意力放在“听众”身上,而不是·演讲"上;卜文提到要把注意力放在演讲上,百接和你的听众交谈,做你自己、建立联系。据此可以判断,空处与上句构成转折系,故A项止确18.C根据上文中的"so, don't stop speaking when you make a mistake unlessi' s u truly serious one"可知,当你犯错时不茭停止测讲,除非是非常严亚的错误。据此可以推知,空处承接上文,说明犯小错误无需道歉,故C项正确。19.B根据上文中的" Your goat is not to be a perfect public speaker”可知,你的标不是成为一个完美的演说家。据此可知,空处与此对应,说馴自的目标是费成为高效的演说家,故远B项。20.D根据全文结构可知,空处为该段的主题句;结合卜文中的" s rarchear someone say. I wish that speaker had spoken longer. '"Always makeyour presentation just a hit shorter than anticipated可知.本段讲述的丰要内容是使你的演讲短一些,故D项最能概括本段内容


mask my weariness, and requested him the same thinUnexpectedly, he took out his mobile phone for me withouthesitation or any probing questions. Dancing in his eyeswas the real kindness that I had been struggling to seek forso long. From that day on, I began helping other strangersin distress, just like the poor-looking but kind man, withthe aim of passing kindness and melting the ice in manypeople’ s hearts第三节One possible versionParagraph 1At that point I saw a young mother with her ttto kids. Ithought that a beautiful woman with charming blue eyesmust be willing to help me. So, with great expectation, Itrotted briskly towards her with an appropriate smile on myface,and requested courteously if she could be kind enoughto make a phone call for me. However, what I saw was awoman's face disfigured by frowns and what I heard was a.sound of dismay and suspicion under her breath. Without aword, she pulled her kids to escape from me, as if scareda murderer. I stood there, motionless, with a blank faceand a sinnking heartParagraph 2Finally a man tearing a cheap T-shirt and dirty jeaneseemed to notice me. I squeezed a smile though it failed to

2022 英语周报 高考 牛津 24答案

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