

【写作提示】1.审题:(1明确故事人物:本故事中主要人物为作者、作者的女儿伊丽莎白;(2)厘清主要事件:作者的女儿伊丽莎白要参加游泳比赛,赛前很紧张,害怕游不好;比赛时遇到突发状况,但是通过和队友的共同努力羸得了比赛。2写作要点:{1)伊丽莎白在队友的帮助下穿上了脱落的袜子,并最终赢得了比赛:(2)伊丽莎白同作者分享比赛过程和胜利后的喜悅。【参考范文】Everybody on her leam started screaming "Elizabeth! Get the sock!However, she couldn' t hear them. A girl on my daughter's team jumped inthe pool, grabbed the sock, and swam after Elizabeth. "You have to putthe sock on, the girl screamed. Elizabeth continued swimming while hteammate put on the sock for her. The girl in lane two was about to passElizabeth. With the sock finally on, Elizabeth tried her best to swim thelast 25 meters. It was close, but Elizabeth beat the other girl to the wallfor the victoryOn the ride home, she shared her moment of winning again andagain. She talked about how seared she was when someone grabbed herfoot, how funny it was when she came to the finish and how great thenight was. She told me that if the T-shirt relay was an Olympic event,heream would win the gold medal. I told her that in my professional opinionshe was absolutely right【点评】该范文围绕原文内容进行了非常合理的续写,紧扣语境,与原文逻辑紧密,详略得当。由第一段首句内容“团队中的每个人都开始大喊伊丽莎白!拿袜子可知,第一段可描写她听不见大家的减叫声,一个女孩跳进水中帮她穿上了袜子,面临对手即将超越自己她拼尽全力取得了胜利。由第二段首句内容“在回家的路上,她一次又一次地分享自己赢得胜利的时刻”可知,第二段可描写她回想比赛过程中的感受以及对这次经历的感想。作者表示赞同女儿的心态和努力行文中不乏较为高级的表达,如 continue doing sth., be about to do sth.beat sb to sth., In one' sopInion以及with复合结构when引导的时间状語从句、tht引导的宾语从句等,使得语言表达生动多样。


15.(18分)(1)干燥管碱石灰(每空2分,共4分)(2)2NH4CI+ Ca(OH)2=CaCl2+ 2NH3+ 2H20(2分)(3)平衡压强,使分液漏斗中的液体顺利流出(2分)(4)NH4SCN KOH=KSCN NH31+ H2O(2分)(5)2NH3+Cr2O12-+8H=2Cr3++N2+TH2O(2分)(6)蒸发浓缩冷却结晶(每空1分,共2分)(7)①溶液红色褪去,且30s不变色②72.75%(每空2分,共4分)

