

16答案见解題思路命题意图通过创设小球在斜面上运动的物理模型,设置面环轨道,将周运动与类平抛运动有机结合,考查学生对午頓第二定律、力的合威与分解、运动的合成与分解的摆解与运用解题思路1)从A点运动至B点,运用动能定理得1mgR sin 6=3m8?mlia代入数据可知:B点的速度r=26ms在B点满足Fw+mmm写R解得:F、1=9N小球在B点受到的弹力还包括斜面对小球的支持力,即F得:F=4N因此在B点受到的弹力大小F、=√F+F2代入数据可知F、=√97N(2)小球从B点运动至E点,根据类平抛运动规律有R=-atxcs=tR其中mg即A,E之间的距离为:x=xc+R联立上式解得xx=(22+1)m


One possible version:A Meaningful CleanupIn order to encourage us students to participate in volunteer activities and prevent virus spreading, our classorganized a meaningful cleanup in a nearby community last Sunday morning.We gathered on the playground and then we walked in a line to the community. Under the guidance of ourteachers, we were divided into two groups. Students in Group One did some cleaning, like sweeping floors andmopping stairs. Meanwhile, students in Group Two disinfected the buildings. With everyones efforts, we fin-ished the task successfullyIve benefited a lot from the activity. It makes me learn teamwork and I ve realized community health is cru-cial and that I can also do something worthwhile for our community.

