



【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍东西方文化的起源发展和它们之间的差异性21.D【解析】下文都是与两种不同的文化体系有关说明这是造就文化差异总的原因,故选择 on thewhole。故选D22.A【解析】根据下文… the mother river is the YellowRiver..和. the hindu river.可知答案。故选A。23.B【解析】与下文., formed their own styles.为承接关系,前者指的是两种文化的发展。同时与第三段This civilization later on developed into the cultures ofAncient greece and ancient rome.相呼应。故选B。24.A【解析】文化传播应是逐渐的,故选择 gradually故选A。25.C【解析】中日两种文化的融合,进而形成了现在的日本文化。 shape使成为……形状,塑造,符合语境。故选C。26.B【解析】根据上句日本文化的形成可知,中日文化虽有较大差异,但仍属于同一文化体系。故选B。27.C【解析】与上句中的 When the two mother riversgave birth to the eastern culture…相对应,另一种文化孕育于美索不达米亚平原。故选C。28.A【解析】古希腊和古罗马文化是欧洲文化的根基(base)。故选A。29C【解析】英国殖民者登陆美洲定居下来。 settledown定居,符合语境。故选C。30.A【解析】从上文欧洲文明与美洲文明的渊源来看,美洲文化和欧洲文化应无很大区别。故选A31.D【解析】根据下文可知,该段主要说明语言的差异。故选D。32.B【解析】在东方,大多数的语言属于象形语言,而大多数的西方语言都是从拉丁话系演变过来。故选B。33.A【解析】句意为:其他一些因素诸姐人种上的差异(在东西方文化差异形成上)也产生了重要影响。count重要,符合语境。故选A。34.A【解析】此处指两种文化的交流( communicate故选A35.D【解析】前面一句提到的是原因,本句提到的是结果:这两种文化都是在互不干扰的情况下按照各自的模式形成并发展。 therefore因此,符合语境。故选D。


第四部分第二节Iwo davs before my birthday last vear. Dad came home earlv. As usual. Ihelped him carry his bags into his study: When I turned to leave. he said: "Hey. wouldyou like to help me clean my comb? It's been a while since I last cleaned"It hit methen why. as a child. helping my dad clean his comb was such a joy. That routinemeant that my dad was home early to spend the evening with Mum and I. It meantwould watch TV with us or play a few video games with me. It meant a happyloving familyI pass the clean comb back to Dad. I noticed the wrinkles next to his eyes.They are more noticeable when he smiles. but his smile is still as heartw arming asbefore. The smile of a father who just wants a good life for his family. Dad carefullyplaces his comb on top of his wallet. After so many years. he still organises hispersonal items in the same careful way. I guess some things never change. And forthat. I'm glad

