

Sir years later, Radice found himself a patient atSt. Barnabas, infected with COVID-19. He couldn'tbelieve he was looking up into the eyes of the man whoseconfidence hed restored. At this time when doctorscouldn't help but be anxious, Pitera, once surrounded byworry, said he was able to deal with the stress far betterthan he would have before his heart attack. For Radicethose words "Not on my watch" were exactly what heneeded to hear. Slowly, day by day, his condition wasgetting better and better. Radice began his own exerciseprogram.Pitera visited as often as he could to cheer onRadices progress. Nearly 20 days after he wasadmitted, Radice was allowed to leave the hospital. Piteracame to his room to say goodbye."You saved my life,Radice told him. "You saved my life, " Pitera answeredback. Hospital employees lined the hallwaysapplauding, as Radice was wheeled to his wife waitingoutside."We have a lot of tough days ahead of usPitera said."Dan boosted a lot of people,s spirits justwhen we needed it


第二节【文章大意】本文属于记叙文。来自巴西的16岁舞蹈演員维多利亚·布诺·波切( Vitoria Buono Boche)没有手臂但她通过不懈努力,不仅成为了一名成功的芭蓄舞演员,而且还跪爵士舞、马踏舞和现代舞56.for【解析】考查介词, make excuses for“为……找借口”,句意:为自己无法实现目标找借口太容易了57. has reached【解析】考查时态,本句中有时间状语sofar,应使用现在完成时态。句意:到日前为止,她在舞蹈界已经达到了成功的水平58. which【解析】考查定语从句,根据句子结构和句意可知,本空所在句子属于非限制性定语从句,本空处于句子的主语位置上,故应用 which引导从句,指代前面的levels of success in the dance”,并在从句中作主语59. recognized【解析】考查过去分词,根据句意,这里用过去分词作宾补,表示被人们认可k60.tmuh【解析】考查名词,本空前面有冠词the,且后面没有其他名词,根据句意,这里应该用名词,句意:但事实并非如此61. amazing【解析】考查现在分词,本空后面有名词,根据句意,这里应用现在分词,修饰名词, amazing表示“令人62.解析】考查反身代词,bmdH表示自己”,根据句意,这里用反身代词,表示:她自己学会了没有手臂做任何普通青少年会做的事情63ndependently【解析】考查副词,根据句意和句子结构世可知,这里用副词修饰前面的动词“ead”,句意;她不断地证明,你不必像其他人一样,就能独立地拥有完整的人生。64.an【解析】考查冠词, have an audienceof表示“拥有多另少观众(听众)”,句意:她在 Instagram上有超过1.7万名粉丝65.tobe【解析】考查不定式。根据句意,这里指为了在自参己的领域做得最好,她从不停止奋斗,故用不定式表示目的

