

第二节One possible versionI heard the footsteps and the light tap on the door. Mylegs trembling and tears streaming down, I hid myself behindBrother Lu. Mom walked in first, hugged him and then looked atme with a weak smile. Her eyes were swollen from crying. Andthen Dad was there. without even shaking hands with BrotherLu, he came straight to me and gathered me up into his strongarmsHolding me close, he whispered, I love you foreverThen he pulled back and looked at me with love and pride. "T'mterribly sorry, Daddy. I love you so much, I said thankfully.I know. Let's go home. " Just then, all my fear was gone. I realizedthat I was still Daddys little girl. And i was convinced that thoughthere would probably be unimaginable difficulties and pains thatlay ahead of me, I could get them over because I had a strong andloving family that would always be there for me


A语篇解读:主题:人与社会话題:参观国家地理博物馆。本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了芩观国家地理博物馆展览的初关信息和注意事项。31.解析:细节理解題。根据 M:seum Hours下面的内容可知,博物馆的参砚时间是鳯-到周日的上午10点到下午6点,感恩节和圣诞节两夭闭馆,所以周日上午11:30可以去参琨。故D项正确。答案:D2.解析:细节理解题。根据 Museum Ticket Pricing下的表格中的第一栏和第二栏可知,两名成年人的门票为30美元,三名学生的门票为36美元,一共需要花费6美元。故C项正确。答案:C23.解析:细节理解题。由( ontact Us部分中的 Group sales的内容可知,购买该博物馆的团购票需要拨打电话202-807-3232或者访问网站 groupsales@ngs.og。故A项正确。答案:A

