

【参考范文】Dear Michaem writing to tell you about the classical Chinese poetry festival to be held in our school at this weekendme famous poets as well as how to read and write classical Chinese poems, and poetry readings, which willhelp you to develop an appreciation of classical Chinese poetry. Besides, there is a poetry writing contest, andwhoever is interestedoem writing can take partSo why not come to the festival? I'm sure you will learn a lot as a lover of classical Chinese poetry.Looking forward to your replyLi Hua


解(1)直线/的参数方程为x=1+ cOS a,,(t为参数)3分V=sina,曲线C的直角坐标方程为y2=2x:5分(2)业∫x=1+ cOS C-,代入y=2x整理得:t2sm2a-2cosa-2=0,y=Isin a,设1,l2分别为A,B对应的参数,则t+4、s(sina≠0),……7分sIn a因为M为线段AB的中点,所以PM(=+t, cos a 2sin a解得sin2a=-,因为0≤a <π,从而sina10分42< p>

